Ingrid Verweijen is a multidisciplinary artist who obtained a bachelor in Fine Arts (2014) at ArtEz and a master in Artistic Research in 2017 on the Royal Academy of the Hague and the Royal Conservatoire, as well as a minor in songwriting at Codarts Rotterdam.

Her work is focused on the elements of contemporary performance in combination with popular music and is characterised by it’s interdisciplinary nature and techniques.

She combines scriptwriting, object making, photography, music composition, performative and musical scores and distinctive wordplay in polemical and witty videos, performances and installations.

She has been particularly focused on understanding the media construct developed around the image of the (pop) singer, throughout different periods of time, using different kinds of media channels. As well as the female voice and it effects, usage and conventions.

With a playful but cynical approach, she tries to pose serious questions on how we experience pop music and internet culture and how it shapes our behaviour and expectations. She discusses how we absorb iconic models without being aware of their constructed formula and how we all strive to be one of them.

She aims to develop and research unconventional performances that explore the format of theatre and music performance, subverting it's logic.

She is currently focused on recording an EP


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